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Car Accidents in Construction Zones

Road construction is necessary for public safety, but any construction zone slows down traffic, making many of us late for work or school. Work zones also increase the risk of accidents. Hundreds of people in Georgia are injured each year in a construction zone, which is not surprising. Work zones often shut one or more lanes, forcing cars close together. The congestion alone increases the odds of a crash.

Contact Stewart Miller Simmons Trial Attorneys today if you were involved in a work zone collision. There are many individuals or entities who could be to blame. Our car accident lawyer will gladly listen to your story and review whether you can sue for compensation.

Work Zone Collision Statistics

The National Safety Council gathers statistics on construction zone collisions. In 2021, they found that:

  • 42,151 people were injured in work zone collisions.
  • 954 people were killed in these accidents.
  • Motor vehicle drivers made up 66% of those killed in work zone collisions, with passengers representing another 16% of those killed.
  • Work zones accidents increased from their low in 2010 by around 63%.
  • Serious injuries are common. With so many cars crowded into one lane, even a single collision can turn into a multi-vehicle pileup. Dozens of people could suffer serious injuries in a chain reaction. Also, emergency personnel can struggle to get to all injured motorists, which delays care.

There is a reason that work zones have lower speed limits. Unfortunately, these accidents are a too-common sight around Atlanta and surrounding areas.

What Causes Work Zone Accidents?

Some of the most common causes include:

  • Motorists going too fast in the work zone.
  • Distracted drivers looking at phones or talking to someone in the back seat when passing through the zone.
  • Failure to allow enough distance between vehicles.
  • Inclement weather, including ice in the winter.
  • Lack of signage, warnings, or flaggers to warn motorists they are approaching a construction zone.
  • Improperly constructed work zones, with equipment blocking a driver’s view.
  • Construction workers jumping in and out of traffic.
  • Dump trucks and other equipment in the work zone striking or cutting off motorists.

Remember, it only takes one driver to make a mistake and suddenly dozens of people are injured in a pileup.

Liability: Who is to Blame for My Work Zone Accident?

Liability is critical with car accidents. In Georgia, whoever is liable pays compensation to you for your losses. Work zone accidents cause serious car damage, as well as bodily injuries to drivers and passengers. One reason to contact our law firm is to secure help identifying who is at fault.

We have sued:

  • Negligent drivers. A motorist who engages in dangerous or careless driving inside a work zone is legally responsible for accidents they cause. Obvious examples include distracted drivers who slam into one car, setting off a chain reaction, or a speeding motorist who smashes into your vehicle.
  • Construction companies. The company which was hired to do road work could have liability. As an example, their worker might jump into traffic, or their dump truck driver could cause an accident in the zone.
  • Government. The government has ultimately responsibility for ensuring the roads are safe. Their workers could have improperly set up a construction zone or failed to erect necessary signage.

Let our legal team review all facts and winnow down the likely defendants. The only way to improve public safety in Atlanta is to sue the person or business responsible—even if it’s the government who’s at fault.

Can You Receive Compensation for Your Work Zone Accident?

Yes. A car accident claim is a good way of obtaining necessary compensation. For example, if a careless driver caused the wreck, you can seek money for your medical bills, car damage, income loss, and physical pain and emotional distress. The driver should have liability coverage which covers all types of car accidents, including those in a work zone.

Some drivers are uninsured. In that case, you might tap your uninsured motorist insurance, which is offered with your own liability coverage. You should have this insurance unless you decline it.

In other construction zone accidents, one motorist is at fault for 20 accidents. As you can imagine, multiple claims will exhaust their policy, and you might receive very little. In that case, we will work to identify other insurance, such as your underinsured motorist coverage.

Other defendants could include a construction company or the government itself. We can also seek compensation from these entities for any damages suffered in a work zone accident. All we need to do is establish liability.

How to Drive Safely in a Work Zone

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends the following tips for reducing the chances of a crash. We wholeheartedly endorse their recommendations:

  • Reduce your speed. There should be a sign telling you the speed limit. You should not go over it, even if it looks like there are no cars around.
  • Stop if instructed before entering the work zone. In the city, lights might stop traffic, and you shouldn’t run the red light.
  • Obey all signs and follow them where they instruct you to go.
  • Always use caution when passing through a work zone at night due to reduced visibility.
  • Merge appropriately. Work zones usually shut down at least one lane. When traffic is light, you can merge early. Otherwise, merge late if traffic is congested.
  • Avoid driving near the side where workers or equipment are located.
  • Use an alternate route if possible to avoid a construction zone.
  • If you pass through a zone every day, don’t become overly familiar. Construction zones often change day by day.

Speak with an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

Construction zone accidents tend to be on the serious side. If you or a loved one was hurt, don’t hesitate to call Stewart Miller Simmons Trial Attorneys. Our car accident lawyers can tackle any type of car accident case. You deserve compensation when someone else is at fault for your injuries, so call our law firm today, (404) 529-3476, to schedule a consultation.

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