Date rape drugs typically render a victim unconscious. Rapists tend to use these drugs by slipping them into a drink, either at a bar or back at their apartment. The victim is none the wiser and quickly begins to pass out. The rapist might even show concern and help the victim to bed.
Date rape drugs make it hard for many people to know whether they have been victimized. Because they are unconscious, they often have no memory of what happened during the night. However, some victims begin to realize that something is wrong, especially if they wake up in a strange bed with their clothes off.
Any sexual assault victim can seek financial compensation from their assailant, as well as from third parties who might have failed to stop the attack. But these are complicated, even difficult, legal cases to win. Call Stewart Miller Simmon Trial Attorneys to speak with an Atlanta sexual assault lawyer. We can provide a preliminary analysis of the strength of your case.
Why These Drugs Are Dangerous (and Effective)
The most common date rape drugs include:
- Ketamine—an anesthetic which causes the user to feel relaxed.
- Rohypnol—an anti-anxiety drug which causes extreme relaxation and possible loss of muscle control.
- Ecstasy—a substance which has hallucinogenic effects on the user.
- GHB—a drug which slows the activity of a person’s central nervous system and makes someone feel sleepy and confused.
Some of these drugs are tasteless or odorless, which is why they are so effective. A rapist might drop a couple Rohypnol into a drink, even a glass of water. The victim won’t even suspect anything is wrong with the drink while sipping it.
These drugs cause certain side effects, including confusion, dizziness, intense exhaustion, and loss of consciousness. Some date rape drugs also cause disproportionate inebriation, which means you feel like you have had 12 alcoholic drinks instead of 2.
That’s one reason these drugs are popular with assailants looking for victims in bars. The victim will begin to act extremely drunk, and the assailant will volunteer to help them find a cab or Uber. The staff at the bar will actually think the rapist is being a Good Samaritan by helping a defenseless woman get a ride home.
Alcohol is Also a Date Rape Drug
Perhaps the most common date rape drug is alcohol, which can reduce a person’s inhibitions and lead to unconsciousness. Of course, a victim might willingly drink alcohol, which means it’s no surprise to find alcohol in your system. Most people can taste alcohol, however, which means its one of the less effective date rape drugs.
Were You Give a Date Rape Drug?
These drugs can render a victim unconscious for 8 hours. When you wake up, you could have a pounding headache but simply assume it is a hangover. In fact, many people who are victimized with these drugs don’t have memories of the assault. You might wake up in bed with your clothes off and possibly some pain in your groin. But the assailant is nowhere to be found.
The good news is that many date rape drugs stay in your system for up to 24 hours. This means they will show up on a toxicology test. If you suspect you were raped, go to the hospital for a rape kit and mention you think someone gave you a date rape drug.
How to Reduce Your Risk
Most victims are young women who are approached in a bar or at a party and given a drink. They wake up the next day with questions about what happened.
You can reduce your risk by remember the following:
- Never accept a drink from someone you don’t know. If you want to drink at a party, you should get your own drink or arrive with your own bottles.
- Go in groups, with one person committed to remaining sober. This person can act as the “designated driver,” even if he or she is only getting everyone an Uber home. Some predators won’t even bother trying to isolate someone if she is with a group.
- Bring your own aspirin or ibuprofen. Did you get a headache while at a bar? Don’t ask a stranger for a pill. Instead, reach into your own bag.
- Remain aware of your surroundings. Some rapists will drop a pill into your drink when you turn around to talk to someone. It only takes a few seconds.
- If in doubt, don’t drink something. It’s okay to not finish a drink if you suspect someone might have dropped a pill into it.
Sexual Assault Lawsuits
Sexual assault victims have legal rights. It’s not okay for anyone to touch you without your consent, and rendering you unconscious doesn’t eliminate the need for consent. In fact, someone who is unconscious cannot by definition consent.
One difficulty is establishing what happened. If you are unconscious, then you have no memory of the events in question. This is why a rape kit at a hospital is so beneficial. A medical examiner can remove hairs and fluids for testing. You might find out that someone raped you. As mentioned above, you can also get proof of a date rape drug in your system.
Our firm can review the facts and determine whether to bring a lawsuit for compensation. We can sue your assailant for touching you without consent. But a third-party might also be liable, such as a bar or university.
Contact Our Sexual Assault Lawyer for Help
We have won millions of dollars for sexual assault victims. A civil lawsuit is a powerful remedy which allows victims to feel a sense of vindication. Civil cases have a lower burden of proof than criminal trials, so they are an option even if the state chooses not to file sexual assault charges against your abuser.
Contact Stewart Miller Simmons Trial Attorneys today to schedule a free, confidential meeting with a lawyer in our office. You can reach us at (404) 529-3476. We believe in pursuing all avenues of justice.