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What Are the Odds of Dying in a Car Wreck?

Motor vehicle accidents are common in Georgia. Not a day goes by that we don’t see a vehicle on the side of the road. But what are your odds of actually dying in a crash? Our wrongful death lawyer dives into the numbers and encourages you to call our office if a loved one perishes in a crash. You might have important legal rights.

Your Odds of Dying in a Traffic Accident

The National Safety Council (NSC) ran the numbers and found that your risk of dying in a motor vehicle accident is 1 in 93. As the NSC points out, the risk is not the same for everyone. Younger drivers are more likely to die than older motorists, and men are more likely to suffer a fatal accident than women.

Nonetheless, everyone faces at least some risk—even risk from other motorists on the road. Here is a table comparing the odds of dying in a car accident compared to other hazards:

Heart disease1 in 6
Cancer1 in 10
Opioid overdose1 in 55
Guns1 in 89
Motor vehicle accidents1 in 93
Pedestrian accident1 in 468
Drowning1 in 1,032
Fire or smoke1 in 1,236
Sunstroke1 in 4,402
Lightning strike1 in 186,978

Why is the risk of a motor vehicle fatality so much higher than for motorcycles? On the one hand, motorcyclists are more exposed and can suffer more serious injuries in a collision. Nonetheless, the difference probably stems from how many more people are riding in cars. People also tend to travel longer in cars over the course of a lifetime, which increases their risk of suffering a fatal accident.

How to Lower the Risk of a Fatal Accident

Not everyone is equally vulnerable in a car crash. You can improve the odds of surviving an accident or avoiding one altogether by doing the following:

  • Buckle up. Studies show that wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of fatal accidents by around 45%, and 50% of those who die in accidents are unbelted. Georgia requires that you buckle up, and it’s the simplest thing to do which cuts your risk in half.
  • Observe the speed limit. Going over the speed limit is a good way to lose control of your vehicle. Further, you have less time to take sudden defensive action.
  • Stow your phone in the glove compartment box. Staring at a text message when your car is going 65 on the highway is a good way to get into a major collision. Distracted driving is a main driver of car accidents in Georgia. Put your phone away so that you aren’t tempted to look at it while driving.
  • Don’t drink and drive. Alcohol is a major cause of fatal accidents. Even buzzed driving is risky, and you should take an Uber or public transportation if you have had any alcohol. A drunk or high motorist cannot drive safely.
  • Avoid drowsy driving. In many ways, driving while fatigued is as dangerous as drunk driving. Motorists have slower reaction times when tired than when drunk. They could also simply fall asleep behind the wheel and either jump the median or go into a ditch.
  • Exercise caution around large trucks. Semis and 18 wheelers have huge blind spots, especially on the right-hand side, but even the blind spot in front can extend 20 feet. You should always exercise extreme caution when driving around large trucks. If you need to pass, then do so quickly and with awareness that a truck could make a sudden lane change at any time. Never cut off a large truck, either.
  • Use an appropriate child seat or booster seat. Young children are especially vulnerable in a collision. The state requires that adults transport children in an appropriate car seat. Make sure to choose one that is the right size for your child, and seek out help if you don’t know how to install it.
  • Don’t rely too much on technology. The amount of technology continues to increase in vehicles. Some cars are now “self-driving,” and virtually all vehicles now have crash-assist or avoidance technology which is designed to limit accidents. Too many motorists have a false sense of security in this technology. You should always remain alert behind the wheel.

Did a Loved One Perish in a Fatal Accident?

In Georgia, family members can obtain compensation for the wrongful death of a loved family member. These lawsuits seek financial compensation for deaths caused by the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of a defendant.

We often bring wrongful death claims on behalf of family members who lost a spouse, child, or parent in a car accident, truck accident, or similar incident. Our firm needs to establish the defendant was liable for the accident, usually because they failed to act with reasonable care. The evidence is similar to any case where the victims live. However, wrongful death cases typically require a more thorough search to uncover what happened.

Contact our firm to discuss if you have the right to file this legal claim against a defendant. You typically get only two years from the date of death to file this lawsuit in court. Anyone who goes over this deadline undermines their ability to hold a defendant legally accountable.

Speak with a Wrongful Death Attorney in a Private Consultation

Fatal accidents often leave survivors struggling with guilt. This is a stressful time, and it might feel like there is no one who has answers to your questions.

Call Stewart Miller Simmons Trail Attorneys today. We have brought all sorts of wrongful death claims on behalf of grieving family members. Some of our clients lost a child, parent, or spouse in a motor vehicle crash, violent attack, slip and fall, or another accident. They ended up receiving millions of dollars in compensation for the loss of companionship or financial losses which stem from the death. We can provide an overview of your rights if you call us at (404) 529-3476 today.

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